Hati saya.jiwa saya.perasaan saya.kemahuan saya.keinginan saya.ADALAH HAK SAYA.

Friday, December 2, 2011

dear brain,let me think it twice =,=

salam to all my followers,my respected blog reader and my fellow blog stalkers.
and now,*switch to bahasa okey?* sincerely aku pening kepala bila orang dok tanya course ape yang aku nak amek for my degree next year.about less than a year,hello,aku akan jadi siswazah di mana2 universiti kat malaysia ni!frankly,x sedia lagi weh.
kalau nak ikut kata hati dan minat,aku nak amek course Bac.Major Petroleum chemistry.course tu kalau dalam Malaysia ni ada kat UPM sahaja.so sad isn't?
kenapa kau nak amek course tuh mia? oh well,sincerely,i have a big trust to myself in chemistry.yeah,i'm not that super excellent like Qaniah or Nadhirah.but,for me,it is proven that i am quite good in this particular subject since i manage to get A for chemistry in my previous SPM.*okey fine,ini self appericiation okey.*
BUT,my dad and my mum macam tak yakin aku nak amek course nie.especially my dad because he told me that,having a great interest without having a high knowledge in certain subject doesn't give you anything.
hurm,ntah la.kita tunggu result je lah ye?
my mum and my dad prefer aku amek dentistry or pharmacist.its not like aku x minat,tapi,for me,ni dah masa untuk kita study untuk kejar ilmu bukan study untuk exam.
haish.i hate situasi begini okey?gila weh =,=
pagi tadi shahmie aiman call.yeah,cakap2 pasal course nie lah.okey mimie,ape pun keputusan kau,AKU SUPPORT weh (:
em,malam tadi memandangkan tiada homework dan aku sangat2 malas untuk buat kerja,,
aku and roomate tengok al-hijab.wahaha!cuak weh.
okey fine.sem baru start.homework tak banyak.aku sangat malas.
biasalah tuh,keadaan still tak terdesak lagi kan?kalau nak exam ti sureee semangat punye ah (: