Hati saya.jiwa saya.perasaan saya.kemahuan saya.keinginan saya.ADALAH HAK SAYA.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


okey fine.aku skunk sdeyh.yaap.nangis ah gak.mane x nye.org yg kita sayang suddenly kita benci.okey fine,aku pon x tahu ape masalah kau.yap,papa yg mintak(advice) kita hang un.tp aku tgk kau cam try to avoid me.yap,aku tahu i was'nt good enough rite?so what,i wasn't born to please anyone maa.kau punye hal,,aku malas nak amek tahu.k?
kadang2 tol gak,bagi aku parents punye pilihan adalah yg paling2 baik.yap,.aku dah malas nak pikir.MAMA,mama uruskanlah ye.yg penting i nak study,fly,keje.tuh yg penting.duit nak banyak2.then enjoy.terbaaaiik dari ladang.
okey fine,to that particular guy ;
"thanx for the past.hell ya for the present.good luck for the future."
to deary nuek n qaniah,guys,good luck.sorry,tak sempat sampai.dah naik taxi dah.


  1. hey dear..lme xdnga cite kn..
    sriusly missing u like hell...org tx tanak rply pon..hmmm(im used to it dah)haha no offence
    btw wishing u all the best in everything..
    anything to spill..my no is always free for u..
    jgn laaaa happy sgt kt kms smpy lpe org puncak perdana nih..keseorangan nih xde gang..haishhhh-.-
    btw mz u girl...muuuahhhh
    lastly sorry comment terlampau panjang..haha..thats me lah kn
    pasal sy n that guy..im happy for the time being!ehehehe

  2. huh???what happened???=___=??anyway chill out okay!!be strong coz you are the one who inspired me to become a strong person ^^
